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Social Media Accounts For Nearly 70% Travel Inspiration And Hotel Selection. How To Market Your Hotel On Social Media?

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The hospitality industry has undergone a massive transformation with the advent of social media. Platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok have become indispensable tools for hotel marketing, enabling businesses to connect with potential customers in a way never before possible. With over 40% of travel inspiration and hotel selection being attributed to these platforms, especially among the sub-37-year-old demographic, hotels can no longer afford to ignore the power of social media. This article will explore the importance of social media in hotel marketing, the role of different platforms in travel inspiration, and how hotels can optimize their presence on these channels to maximize brand recognition and bookings.

The Growing Impact of Social Media

Social media usage continues to grow at a rapid pace. According to Datareportal’s Digital 2021 Global Overview Report, the number of social media users worldwide has reached 4.2 billion, representing more than 53% of the global population. This widespread usage highlights the vast potential audience for hotel marketing on these platforms.

Social Media: An Unavoidable Hotel Marketing Channel

As social media continues to dominate the digital landscape, the importance of utilizing these platforms in hotel marketing cannot be overstated. Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok have significantly influenced travelers’ choices, with 40% of travel inspiration and hotel selection coming from these platforms (MDG Advertising). Consequently, hotels that focus their marketing efforts solely on traditional channels risk missing out on the vast opportunities presented by social media.

The Role of Different Social Media Platforms in Hotel Marketing

  1. Facebook: Catering to the Older Demographics

Facebook remains a popular platform for hotel marketing, particularly among the 34-42 age demographic. Many users in this age group click on ads and make hotel bookings through the platform. However, the reach of Facebook varies across different countries. For example, in Vietnam, Facebook is more popular than Instagram, while foreign travelers tend to get inspired by Instagram and TikTok 70% more compared to Facebook (eHotelier).

  1. Instagram: Captivating Visual Storytelling

Instagram is a visually-driven platform that is less transactional than Facebook, but it is highly effective at sparking interest in destinations and hotels. With its emphasis on visually appealing images and videos, Instagram offers hotels a unique opportunity to showcase their properties, amenities, and local attractions in an engaging manner. This is particularly important for attracting younger travelers, who often prioritize aesthetics and experiences when choosing a destination.

  1. TikTok: The Rising Star in Travel Inspiration

TikTok is fast becoming an essential platform for hotel marketing, particularly for destinations like the Maldives, where young travelers increasingly find travel inspiration on the platform. According to a study conducted by GlobalWebIndex, 41% of TikTok users are aged between 16 and 24 years old, making it an ideal platform for hotels to connect with younger audiences.

The Importance of a Multi-Platform Approach

Given the diverse demographics and preferences of social media users, it is crucial for hotels to maintain a presence on multiple platforms. Focusing on just one or two platforms may lead to missed opportunities and diminished brand recognition in the long run. A multi-platform approach allows hotels to reach a wider audience and cater to the preferences of various age groups, ultimately resulting in increased bookings and customer loyalty.

The Declining Role of Traditional Review Sites and OTAs in Travel Inspiration

As social media becomes increasingly influential in the decision-making process for travelers, traditional review sites like TripAdvisor and online travel agencies (OTAs) are losing their relevance. According to recent data from Phocuswright, 67% of travelers visit social media for travel inspiration, while only 47% use review websites. This shift in user behavior highlights the growing importance of a strong social media presence for hotels to remain competitive and visible in the market.

Leveraging Social Media for Effective Hotel Marketing

To make the most of social media platforms, hotels should consider the following best practices:

  1. Develop a Consistent Brand Voice: Maintain a consistent brand voice across all platforms to ensure a cohesive and memorable experience for users. This helps build brand recognition and trust among potential guests.
  2. Share Engaging Content: Create visually appealing images, videos, and stories that showcase your hotel’s unique features and surrounding attractions. Focus on content that resonates with your target audience and encourages sharing.
  3. Utilize User-Generated Content: Encourage guests to share their experiences at your hotel on social media by creating branded hashtags and running campaigns that incentivize user-generated content. This not only provides you with fresh content but also adds credibility and authenticity to your brand.
  4. Leverage Influencer Marketing: Partner with influencers who align with your brand values and have a strong following in your target market. This can help increase brand awareness and create buzz around your hotel.
  5. Monitor and Engage with Your Audience: Regularly monitor your social media channels to respond to comments, questions, and feedback from your audience. Engaging with users can help build rapport and create a loyal customer base.
  6. Analyze and Optimize: Continuously analyze the performance of your social media campaigns to identify areas of improvement and optimize your strategy. This ensures that your marketing efforts remain effective and relevant.


The importance of social media in hotel marketing cannot be overstated. With Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok accounting for a significant portion of travel inspiration and hotel selection, it is vital for hotels to maintain a presence on these platforms to maximize their reach and bookings. By understanding the unique strengths of each platform and implementing a comprehensive social media strategy, hotels can effectively tap into the growing influence of social media and thrive in the competitive hospitality landscape.

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